The Box Book Signed by the Artist

2017 American Photographic Artists Award Winner for Outstanding Photographic Series.

Focused on themes of isolation, desire, conflict and empowerment, Ron Amato’s photographic series and book, The Box, speaks to human experiences of self-discovery and community building. Using a series of boxes to create visual metaphors, Ron echoes his development from adolescence to adulthood through over 100 color, and black and white photographs. Evoking first his youth in Brooklyn, New York during the 1960s and 1970s, moving through his coming out as a gay man and to his present position as a respected professional photographer and teacher, Ron creates a vivid portrait of struggle and triumph.

Individually the photographs evoke powerful responses. However, they achieve the scope of their power only in relation to each other. 

Reflecting the square of the boxes in the photographs, this 112-page book is designed in a 10-inch square format.

*This items currently ships within the continental United States. Contact us for shipping to other places.

Hear what Ron and the Box models say about "The Box"

What others are saying about The Box...

"It’s a daring and contradictory approach to art." - QX Magazine

"Amato sensually unpacks themes of isolation, desire, conflict and empowerment through images of men in intimate poses." -

"...explores issues of sexuality in thought-provoking portraits..." - New York Daily News

"It’s not often you see a photo series that takes your breath away." - Gay Times, UK

"‘The Box’ is a stunning, emotionally impactful commentary about the state of contemporary gay men." -

"Ron Amato launches his gorgeous new collection of male nudes, featuring men of different ages, races and backgrounds coming together in spare, intimate conditions." - Time Out, NY

"The book represents evolution in the history of physique photography, one in which the male nudes are affectionately intertwined — not what you'd have seen in the classic beefcake magazines of yore." -

"Like classic sculpture, his male images beg you to examine them: Beautiful, sensual, powerful and yet like those classic sculptures of antiquity, oddly chaste." - Edge Media

"The first thing readers will notice when they peruse The Box, Ron Amato's striking new photobook of male nudes, is the age diversity of the models. All the models share one common trait: a confident sensuality that comes from deep within. " - Bay Area Reporter

"His photographs are powerful and really speak for themselves, he is one of those rare artists, who needs little explanation about interpreting his works." - Rage Monthly




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